Monday, November 24, 2014


Real Christmas Trees:

1.  According to the USDA almost ALL real Christmas trees are grown by US farmers to sell in the US.  This industry employs 100,000 workers in all 50 states.  30 Million real trees are sold each year.

2.  There are over 350 Million Christmas trees growing here in the US.  These trees help keep our air clean and provide shelter for the wildlife.  For every tree cut down, 1-3 trees are planted to start the cycle of trees over again.

3.  There are over 4,000 Christmas Tree recycling programs in the US.

4.  Each tree is unique in its own way, and discovering your "perfect tree" is a great way to make memories with friends & family.

Artifical Christmas Trees:

1.  Artifical trees are convenient BUT many of today's trees with lites are hard to store.

2.  Artifical trees are made from PVC plastic.  PVC plastics release dioxins over time.  These dioxins are extremely toxic and cause many serious health issues.

3.  PVC is a petroleum-based, non-biodegradable plastic.  Once you throw your artifical tree away, it is going to be in the landfill forever and artifical trees can not be recycled.

4.  Over 85% of all artifical trees come from China.  This not only adds to the carbon footprint, but it means we are buying more products from China instead of something that is produced here in the US as a real tree.

5.  Fake trees are a fire hazard. (video @

NOTE:  Did you know the first artifical tree was made in early 1930s.

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